martes, mayo 19, 2015

How to create a facebook note for a business (company) page with bold or italics. May 2015

Facebook notes are useful as text can be longer, formatted (bold, italics, lists ...) and can carry tags

However, Facebook make Notes really hard to find in business (company) pages

Here's how to find them:
Looking for the "Notes" app

  • Facebook's own "Notes" app found
    Using Facebook as you company (business) page, in the search box type "Notes" to find Facebook's Notes app. Chances are you will not see it in the list (you'll see other "Notes" related things), so click on "See more results for Notes". Then you'll get another list that will include "Notes" with a "Communications" subtitle and a "Use Now" button on the right hand side
  • Click on the "Use Now" button. You'll be taken to a page where you can "Write a Note" (top-right button)
  • Now you can write your note. Formating includes bold, italics, underline, as well as ordered and unordered lists (with bullet points). You can also add tags to posts. At the bottom you find buttons to Publish the note, preview it, save a draft or discard it
    Write a note